Saturday, March 22, 2014

Le 31 janvier 2014. Charte de la laïcité : tragicomédie aux universités Concordia et McGill

"Arabia's heathen females will be your judges, who cover not only the head, but the face also, so entirely, that they are content, with one eye free, to enjoy rather half the light than to prostitute the entire face."
 - Tertullian

"We thank God that our enemies are idiots." - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

"Le problème de notre temps, c'est que le futur n'est plus ce qu'il a été."- Paul Valéry

In view of these photos in the Gazette,

the pitiable political theatre played before a captive audience, should please the ghosts of Leni Riefenstahl and Martin Heidegger.

It would be laughable if it did not have one regrettable effect: paranoid students (and, indeed, teachers) who might be considering to express approval of the planned Charter of values might imagine (perish the thought!) that those academics are conveying a sinister message on behalf of their respective administrations and infer a threat of reprisals.

Every one knows that a university is run by saints, like a church; only proven heretics who challenge dogma expose themselves to excommunication. Hence the deserved punishment of students who dared fight in the Deep South for civil rights in the 50's and 60's and who were targeted under the disciplinary codes of their institutions.

On the other hand, as for Rabbi Grusshcow and Prof. Brodeur, who think that the veil is not always a sign of female oppression, they might want to read this:

No doubt that the two female disciples of Brigham "Family guy" Young invited by Rev. Rollert will contribute to a rational and pro-feminist conversation!


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