Saturday, March 22, 2014

Le 17 février 2014. Charte de la laïcité : une (autre) Eglise génocidaire s'emmêle.

Message adressé au rév. Jim Slack
du "Montreal Lutheran Council".

Dear Sir,

This is in response to your letter published in the Gazette on February 10, 2014.
I trust that my comments sent to Rev. Glenn Smith will be of equal relevance to you.

I noticed that the decision of The Montreal Lutheran Council followed "prayer and study".  2000 years of Christian crimes seem to show that neither prayer nor study are necessarily conducive to socially acceptable results, for instance in Germany during the 1930's. 
Your own letter is dripping syrup: the followers of all Christian churches, and especially of the Church founded by a rabid Kike-hater such as Brother Martin, have a lot of gall to invoke, nowadays, often with a mawkish tone, ideas of (religious) tolerance. His distinguished opus Von den Juden und ihren Lügen is quite instructive, if not entirely edifying.

(I seem to remember that he was not excessively fond of "Turks" either).
May I also mention the active participation of your Church in the Herero genocide perpetrated in Namibia from 1904 to 1908 (a superbly useful rehearsal for the larger-scale "purification" operations undertaken as of 1933)? Believe it or not, it would appear that a number of Namibian survivors had second thoughts about the message of Christian love. 

At least, Luther was a jovial entertainer when he hosted banquets. (cf. his "Tischreden").

Agnostically yours,


PS. As for prayer, in your case, just praying for forgiveness will keep your hands full. As for study, if you have a modicum of decency left, consider the dissolution of your church.

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