Saturday, March 22, 2014

Le 16 octobre 2013. Charte de la laïcité : la psychiatrie franchit les frontières et devient transculturelle!

Message adressé au Dr Lawrence J. Kirmayer, James McGill Professor and Director, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry,
Department of Psychiatry, McGill University

Dear Sir,

This follows your letter published yesterday in the Gazette, as well as your distinguished appearance on CTV News last night.

As to your position about the draft Charter, I am still undecided as to whether you, and your colleagues, are delusional (or "brainwashed"!), or simply using your medical credentials for political propaganda and thus intellectually dishonest. Having seen your delivery on television last night, I am currently leaning towards the former explanation.

In any event, you are conveniently ignoring the considerable damage caused by religious fanaticism, especially amongst Muslim women. A simple cost-benefit analysis leads to one simple conclusion: the Charter will be an Emancipation Proclamation, at least for Muslim females and Sikh schoolchildren.

Yours agnostically,


PS. Love the name of your specialty: "Transcultural Psychiatry"...

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